After helping me split for a while this morning, little man took a break from running the lever for me. A few minutes later I hear him yelling over the splitter "dad look at me!" . I looked up to see this
Good stuff right there. I see a new avatar pic! Gives new meaning to the term get a round to it! Last time I did that Ms.buZZsaw had to cut me free with the saw! It was a BIG round BTW!
Indeed they do. Not so long ago my toddler daughter was proudly carrying small sticks of wood to me as I stacked the next winter's wood. Then just this weekend her 12 and 8 year old sons were helping me split green hickory for a couple winters down the road. The time does fly with kids. Great post, Smokinpiney!
Great picture. Yes, time sure does pass quickly. When you have more years behind you than in front of you, you start seeing things differently...
As the page loaded, I didn't scroll down to see the kiddo there, was looking at your wood pile for a clump of bugs or rodents. Then I scrolled down to see his smiling face, and I gave a good hearty laugh! good pic right there!
Absolutely! Any time the kids want to spend with me working is time well spent! I enjoy every second of it. buZZsaw BRAD