Hey all, Middle of last year we installed a new furnace and a new Nest Thermostat which tracks furnace usage. In these sub freezing temperatures we are using very little furnace. Between the pellet and wood stoves our house maintains in the low 80s to high 70s. Love it.
That's really great... I still cant believe how expensive natural gas is in your area! Or maybe your gas and electric bills are bundled together? How's your utility bills running this year?
I had a "smart" furnace control installed 5 years ago. It was the same year I started burning full time. I burn in the basement and was not sure I was going to be able heat the whole house so I invested in this unit to help the oil boiler run a little less. Turns out I don't really need it, the RT is "run time" for the furnace for the last 5 years. I think the control unit cost more than the oil it has burnt in the 5 years.