Sweet load there! Must be great to be back at it? Looks like you had ideal conditions with dry ground and I'll assume its frozen? Ready to cut more myself but with the snow I don't see it happening anytime soon.
The snow and weather we have had this winter is what kept me out of it. Couple weeks ago I thought I could get through the snow and ended up to the axles in a snow drift that I had dig myself out of. Hopefully now that the snow has given us a break I can keep at it. More big maple to cut and have a double trunk elm to take down.
Thats great. Our Winter has been mostly dry and snow free until the last couple weeks. Thinking I'll be snowed in for a bit so buck a few rounds for me!
I haven’t touched a saw since late November. It’s nice not having to when the weather is less than favorable. How’d ya like the XCut? I’ve hoarded so much Oregon I doubt I’ll ever need to buy any.
I’ve had a slow start this year too, but I’ve gotten a little over three loads out so far. I enjoy processing maple. I know it lacks the btu of a lot of other stuff, but it’s enjoyable to handle. Hope you keep having the weather you need to stay at it!
Can we get administrator over here? Surely someone has hacked his account. No way the real Jason hasn’t touched a saw since November!
Part of the reason is my truck blew out a front axle CV boot. No heated garage to fix it, so I'm trying hard to not notice any epic wood scores till I get to it. I could borrow dads Tundra. I did grind a bunch of chains, if that counts. My stacks are stuffed to the gills, plus it's full on mud season here. That scored 346 is still sitting in the same spot. Maybe tomorrow I'll work on it since I won't be watching any football.
In some aspects, a nice point to be at….reserves full, no sense in making muddy mess, project saw on the bench. Ok, I’d say you have a pass for this year!