I was curious to see how everyone is doing this season with the amount of firewood they have gone through so far. I usually start burning sometime in October and go until I don't need the furnace, usually the end of April. So far I've burned less than normal, by a decent amount. I credit it to a couple mild weeks in november and some super dry wood that has been stacked close to 3 years.
I don't know exactly how much I've burned but it seems about normal with the biggest share being burned in January...and that too is normal.
Even with a pretty mild winter I’ve burned significantly more wood than the last couple. A couple reasons 1. I have more wood stacked and ready than ever before. So no need to be stingy and chilly! 2. The wife’s 82 year old father was staying with us from the tail end of October until the end of the first week of January. Old people like to be warm 3. A good share of the wood has been lower btu stuff, pine and cottonwood, and it just takes more of that type
Definitely have burned less than usual. Normally by this point I'm well over 2 cords (sometimes 3 cords if I start burning in late August/early September) but this season I don't think I've even burned a cord and a half yet. Some is due to not having to burn 24/7 until later in 2021, however I'm also burning a lot more beech (split about 2 years ago) versus silver/red maple, ash, and birch. Looking forward to the forest service roads opening up after the spring thaw so I can scrounge more beech.
In a way I'm surprised I haven't burned more. Granted I didn't start until November 5th, and the weather was mild until almost Christmas. Now in a way I'm proactively trying to burn as much as I can, before the season winds down. Partly because there's certain piles I simply want gone, partly because I'm avoiding another heating oil delivery until fall, and partly because I can. Once shoulder season starts again, I need to start making a real dent in the almost 3 cords of conifer I have.
I am burning less because I was out of commission for 4 weeks due to covid and my wife did not feel like mainting fire while I was in the hospital. I am going to post about my covid experience in the "Everything Else" forum.
I’m burning about half of normal. But, the weather here has been way warmer than normal. 60+ yesterday and a high of 35 today. Mike in Okla
Well that depends. Stove in the house probably a little more , I have been a little more diligent about keeping it going. Furnace in the shop , less. Haven't had as much time as I would like to spend out there. I need to work on that!
We usually start burning right around the second week of October, and heat exclusively with wood usually til the second week of May, depending on the temps. So far, we are at around 2.5-3 full cord, burning two high efficiency appliances when needed (last two weeks because of the extreme cold they've both been burning), so we are on track of an "average use" winter at this point.....
Given outside temps, I'm just burning normal amounts to keep us warm inside. Overall I'll be well into Feb on 4 cords, unless it goes below 20 for extended periods.
4 weeks from now I may be leaning toward D. I have splits to stack today, but first I have to move more wood into the basement. If I didn’t have to load the basement I’d have time to cut.
For those on Tapatalk the poll doesn’t show up unless you switch to web view. I was wondering what you all were talking about “Option D”. Switched and actually saw the poll. Mike in Okla