Just a start but starting to get ahead. And lots of fall left! I know I should have a lot more but it’s been a tough couple years with my dad getting cancer and passing, I haven’t had my wood partner and was cutting for 3 stoves but I sold my place and bought his farm so one less stove and all the wood is here so I can cut any time .
Sounds like your reorganization is coming together. Really nice looking area. SE of the cities by any chance?
So sorry about your dad but happy you now have the farm and now one less stove to feed. Looks like you must have some good tools for putting up firewood. Many would love to have that grapple! I too like the barn as that could prove to be very handy. But please explain the paths you have created with the mower? Perhaps an atv run? Exercise run?
Hey backwoods them are for the kids to sled on and to drive around on you wouldn’t believe how Many deer walk on them instead of the tall grass.
I would love to reside the barn . Most of the wood that built it was milled on the property. At dads funeral I met an old boy that said he saw the saw mill when he was a young boy, of course I asked if he had any pictures and he was going to look
I have now finished 2 out of three goals for this fall. Finish filling the shoulder wood bin that I emptied last fall, filled up a string of pallets with oak. I still have to cut and stack blocks to be split next spring when I have room to stack the splits.
Sorry about your pops. It's tough man. The pain never goes away it just dulls. My life went exactly the same down to buying his house as well. That's a classic MN picture if I ever did see one! Bunch of burr oak on the hillside, rustic barns, and no shortage of work to do. Was going to guess Long Prairie area but I see you posted Alex area. Good luck and thanks for the pics!
Woodpile looks good I’m still cutting just going to try and get it in rounds and split like mad in the spring.