are you allowed to remove it Maykoppa? my local compost center doesnt let you take it, but i sneak a few in my PU. Last Summer i was there to get topsoil and a truck full of ash gets dumped to which i nearly keel over (as any FHC member would!) The guy knew i liked firewood so tells me to come back before 3 when they closed. Ive never unloaded a truck full of dirt that fast in my life! It was nice load of ash too, not gnarly, knotty crap! I dont go there that often, but it may become a haunt in the warm weather.
Local recycling center has a strange policy about wood... It's posted that due to EAB u can't remove any from the pile but everyone does ... Unless the crabass is working. I should post pics... We have Soooo much wood at the dump it's a hill by itself.
No problem taking it but you get weighed going in and when you are empty then you can go back in & get a much wood as you want & when you leave you bypass the the scales
Wife has another load of Bamboo ready for a trip to the dump . Hopefully there is some more readly accessible firewood there for me to pickup
I was down at my dump last week and snapped these two pics. Had to get some topsoil so didnt have room for wood plus it was wet and there wasnt much primo stuff there as im picky about quality. Most of the rounds are huge. I cherrypick (no pun intended) for better hardwood.
These things amaze me! This is completely unheard of up here. But then again one out of four people burn firewood, so there you go. Great pics!
arent the lots larger and spread apart up there too Canadian border VT ? Easy to dispose of limbs/brush on ones property?
Yeah but the city lots are still small. I mean quarter acre lots are normal in a town 5 miles south of me.. I burn brush got 22 acres, once it gets to the size of a 2 car garage, you put a match to it! invite some friends over crack a few drinks etc!
sounds like something to experience. Nothing down here like that although rural towns may be allowed to do that. We have just a small firepit.
The nearest brush dump in some 30 miles away. So if friends want to dump a one ton of brush, why not. The loader on my tractor goes about 12 feet up and the 30 foot circle is not uncommon.. I called the fire department, text the chief really, that way if someone sees it from the road and they show up, it's free... a few of them live on my road, they usually bring the beer. I'll give you some notice you're more than welcome to come up and join us
mighty kind of you Canadian border VT ! Ill hoard some brush and bring a truck full! Should i season it first?'re really lucky. At our dump.....I rarely go....way too much money. You can be fined if you are more than 10' from your vehicle. You only have 10min to unload. NO scrounging what so ever. Usually the crusher is scraping and back filling a few feet away.
When I was kid, we had a burn barrel and a can barrel. There was no trash pick up. About once a month, my dad would load up the can barrel and whatever...and we would go to the dump. I never missed a trip. This was the olden days.... so you could scrounge away. Once I found a set of false teeth in a cup. Of course, I put them in my pocket. I chose to present them for show and tell at the dinner table that night. My mom just about dropped over..... I miss the olden days.
You would have a field day there im sure Midwinter! The wood comes in on a regular basis too. All species from hard to soft woods. Lots of big stuff too. I was there a second time last week for dirt and a primo load of what looked like green fresh cut sugar maple shows up and gets dumped...smaller rounds. Commercial businesses can dump too. There is no weigh in/out. Most of the time i sneak a few logs when he isnt looking. Ill go to the back of the mound, dump my brush then scrounge. I think i could schmooze him though. With all the luck im having with wood scores, it wont be a haunt anytime soon.