I made my own fire starters made of chainsaw shavings and wax. They work very well. One little brick gets me about 20 min burn. I used 3" pvc as the mold. Then cut them into wedges with a bandsaw.
Nice. Someone used paper towel and/or TP rolls that way. Don't need to bother pushing out of the tube. Those look similar to a SS. Do you use Pam as a release agent?
If they burn for 20 minutes, I'd be breaking them into halves or quarters like we do with the Super Cedars.
I like the longer burn because I don't use kindling to get a fire starter. I just regular splits and let it go. The recipe is chainsaw shavings and wax. I filled up a 5 gallon bucket of shavings and 1 quart pan with melted wax. Mixed them together thoroughly. Then placed it in a 3" pcv pipe and compressed it all down to a 16" long x 3" diameter log. Then cut it up into chucks.
I should add, I used a 3 ton jack to compress it all together. The tight compression really what helps for the longer burn time.
I've seen some of the guys use the same idea with egg crates and (like dave said) paper towel rolls and TP rolls. Easy enough to do. Thanks for sharing
Lets see now.... No snow cover=lots of available fire starter material=not having to tell the wife lets go pick up some s...! Alaska=why would you let your indoor fire go out in the first place? There are many burners on this site that make there fire in OCT or NOV and that's pretty much for the duration. End mini-rant of yet another so called "reality" show.
At 51 seconds in the top left ,,,,, is that the worlds largest beaver hut or is it just a pile of wood?????
I would not choose to dry "Moose Beans" on my wife's cookie sheet on the wood stove inside house. I don't know what my wife would do to me but it would be swift and harsh.
Two things I miss about Michigan. Jets Pizza with their antipasto salad and Coney Island. These friggin finlanders wouldn't know a good coney dog if it bit them in the azz...
Ha, just so happens I did get a large antiPasto also. Yeah the best Coney dogs require kogels hot dogs or Vienna's