I have a deer hide from a deer I shot 43 years ago. It was tanned and the hair was left on. It was a display piece on the back of a chair or lying on an ottoman but never had any usage wear and tear. It is starting to get dried out and the hair is starting to fall out. I would like to display it possibly in a frame of some type but the traditional method uses cords or string looped through holes and I afraid this will be too damaging since the leather is so brittle. I have also thought about clamps of some type. Does anyone have any suggestions? Also, I would like to treat it with some type of preservative maybe lanolin but not sure what is best here either. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.
Can't help with your question but I'm following this thread for answers. Also "hello" from a native Bucks Co.
It doesn’t need to stretch so there’s no load on the cord. Most hide especially that old isn’t smooth. Can you use fish hooks on the hide and tie the cord off to whatever frame you choose. Or if you need the weave look, it’s looks only glue the string to the hide. Owl