Was just wonderin if any you folks ever used chemlawn. Im tryin to get my lawn fuller n the weeds gone.....so i got there full treatment. I spread about 500#s of pelletized lime this spring n ill do another couple hundred this fall.... Should have checked there reviews before hand but thats typical me n i didnt....so now im skeptical ( like how I am always). So if any input...giver to me...
Been thinking of doing something for our "lawn" , but geared more toward getting rid of moles and dandelions. Doesn't have to be super pretty. The dandelions have already gone to seed and now it looks like it's snowing with a little wind.
We dont have hardly any dandeloins...no moles luckily. Last year we had trouble with grubs...d@mn things do enough damage. Chemlawn just put stuff out for grubs...hope it works.
I've seen stuff that includes grub killer, but never really paid much attention to it. Dandelions and moles are almost as bad as the skeeters this year.
Crazy, here I'm on ancient oceans that never broke up and do not percolate, heavy salts, lime deposits everywhere and with what I am able to work on the goal is to neutralize this alkaline soil (opposite of you). Too bad we cannot beam up some of my alkaline soil to yours and vice verse. Oh, and send me some rain too please.
Did you have the soil tested? How do you know it needs lime? You're on top of a lime stone mountain...
No...i didnt have it tested...i should tho. If i had to bet my life on it....i say its acidic.. #1....there lots of pines around n i know they like acidic soil. Lot of oaks n they also are the same. #2 Fertilizer doesnt take as well as it should....another sign... #3 Where im at....mostly shale #4 Lots of moss growin on ground....sure sign of acidic soil. Like you said...i should have it tested to be certain.
I need to spend some time and make my lawn not look like an embarrassment. I'm sure my soul is highly acidic as well. It's the first week in June, and I haven't mowed it yet either lol. I like the idea of paying someone, but not for chemicals since my 5yo lives out there mostly.
I really contemplated having it done.... We have no children....turkeys like to pick insects...deer will graze a little from time to time....however....if i didnt do somethin with the grubs..they would destroy the lawn...plus the coons were diggin the grubs up all over makin an ugly mess. Now i got the blasted coons diggin in my mulch.....think a box trap is in order n relocation.... Im pretty sure if Chemlawn gets the lawn in shape.....ill take it over next year...
If you have grubs, look into milky spore bacteria application. It worked well at my last house and we had a lot less skunks digs after it took effect. Having your soil tested can help determine what you are lacking. I cut the grass a little tall to shade the grass roots and help choke out weeds. I also mulch the clippings right back in as well as leaves in the fall. At the new place we have grubs and moles along with acidic soil that I will have to deal with. I'm not against anyone using chemicals, I just have a lot of wildlife here and I don't think it is beneficial to them and we have documented wetlands on the property. I use a repellant spray to keep animals out of newly planted beds and it made the squirrel family leave the porch roof hole. It is made from purified eggs and garlic. I did a perimeter spray at the last house to keep the neighbors cats out from crapping in our mulch beds. The last thing we used was Milorganite to green the grass up. It can work as a deer repellant too. It is natural and beneficial. I'm no tree hugger, but I try to stay away from chems. I hope you find what works for you.
Moles are trying to eat grubs.. Kill grubs moles disappear.. I try to mow all my weeds the same height