Anyone try this? It would seem to solve a problem... Chainsawbuddy Chainsaw Firewood Cutting Attachment
4 pounds added to the saw would be a big pain in the back in my opinion. Looks to be a fix to a problem that doesn’t really exist. Again Just my opinion.
I would have to agree, not a fan of things hanging off the bar, one more thing to keep in mind and watch out for. looks interesting though
Wranglerstar had a video on this if you want to see it in action. IIRC he liked it ok, but nothing fantastic. I'm not endorsing him, but he is the only one I've seen use it. My stupid opinion is: I've seen him use it once (but not after that) and I don't see other people using it. I have seen different log holding devices though, so I guess I would chalk it up to being either a specialty tool, a neat idea that didn't take off, or a tool that just isn't that necessary. If someone game me one, I probably wouldn't hate it, but its not on my "to buy" list. As a side note: When I cut small stuff, I'm usually cutting on the tip of the bar and not the base. If I were cutting at the base for smaller stuff, the wood would be higher in a sawbuck. Cutting small stuff on the ground using this tool seems really awkward. For medium sized logs I would use a log stand and cut in the middle part to lower part of the bar. What I usually end up doing is cutting 3/4 of the way through the log and then roll it and cut the rest of the way. I'm a fan of the KISS rule.
I guess it depends on the species of tree and how many limbs it has on it, but I don't have to cut that much on the ground, as I try to cut everything I can in the air while it's still attached to the trunk, but like was said, I just cut most of the way through and roll it over and put my foot on it if I have to. Many time you can just lay it over another stick and have air underneath so can cut all of the way through.
I wouldn't like something like that attached to my bar. If the limb is movable enough to get underneath, make a cut 2/3rds of the way through and roll it over to finish.
I have made something similar to this. Works quite well mounted to the truck bedside. They seem popular over seas.
That looks like a really good idea. Do you have pictures of yours? Seems like a few spring clamps and a solid anchor with a nut and bolt would get you most of the way.
Sorry No pics at the moment It’s not set up. I had my Husky 42 on it and it needs some lovin. Yeah. They are very basic setup. I’ll try and remember to throw it back together and get some pictures of it. There is a rod that hinges off the top and works the throttle actuated by the log/branch that you ar cutting. There are many videos on the net.
Anything small diameter up to about 10” I just put in the sawbuck, usually several at a time. These are done in 10 foot lengths. Large stuff I cut, roll with cant hook and finish cutting.