I came home today and noticed a chainsaw in my trailer. First thought was no way I had forgot to put it away, Then I realized it was a different breed... So I called my old guy neighbor and sure enough he said yep, I was going through storage unit, you will use it more than I will. Also asked about recommendations for a new firewood saw. (My first thought was this is a ploy for him to validate a new saw to his wife) I told him I was over the moon with my echo. Also the old homelite serial number suggests to be from oct 1977, and has a cdf(calfire)/usfs tag from 1986. Pretty neat. Plan to use it as a backup saw. Fired right up and had a sharp chain on it. Boy those old homelites sure sound good to me. Hard to beat a free running saw.
Yep I like the old saws. I have a bunch that I use all the time. They did have antivibration buffers even back then. Congrats
Thanks guys, I will definitely still grab my echo first, but this is certainly fun to rip a few rounds here and there. He is a great guy. Gave me a log jack awhile back too. I have plugged his daughter’s car tires. We have a great neighborhood. Makes it hard to move back to the country!