Too soon? Saw a little FB score. Datsa black locust I see in them pics. Looked like a small score. Maybe 15 decent sized rounds. Ah what the heck, I’m not doing anything better today. Even considered leaving the trailer at home. Glad I didn’t. It was a full load. Was a tree that fell over from the neighbors jungle. Noticed the trunk is still in there. So I text the guy. Tell him I got it all but it would be great if his neighbor wants that trunk gone too. He texts right back go for it. So I dropped off the first load, grabbed some saws and went back. Good locusty day. Odd thing. This Locust is lightweight. Weird. Is there another type of locust out there that’s light in weight? I get the feeling this tree has been down a long time and struggling to stay alive.
Neither am I Can’t be that I’m just feeling younger today. It’s also not the normal greenish color. Wondering if it’s past it’s prime? I’ll know more when I split some.
Had your Wheaties thus morning? Very possible that the tree wasnt drawing up as much moisture being uprooted.
Quite possible. There’s a little chute on the log tho so it was getting some. Another weird thing is the bark didn’t fall off. Any other locust scores I’ve gotten the bark stays behind. Seems to shed its bark fast. Oh well, it is what it is.
The last pic of the two logs in the trailer look like two different species. The one on the right in the pic looks like Poplar to me. I'm not experienced with Locust though.
Beautiful score Jo! Looks to maybe have been cut for some time? It loses its yellowish green tint fairly quickly. The last pic is also definitely Locust- no denying that by way of the rings....
Between this score and what you got back in May I’d have to say you’re high in the running for Locust King of CT! (Right up there with buZZsaw BRAD of course) You guys are going to force ecologists in our state to change the status of Black Locust from invasive to endangered
I noticed the same on the tree i scrounged back in early May. It was a fresh blow over living tree too. It did have a cracked trunk that was a prior wound. Dunno if that has any bearing on the weight/water content. Wood was as though alive. If the bark was tight then the tree was alive. Did it have leaves Joe? How recent blow down? IME experience cut dead locust is denser. Awesome score and gooder for you speaking up for the other tree. Getting brazen in your old hoarding years! My locust mania has just kicked in again!
Same log so it had better be the same species LOL The only saw cut I did was on that log. That’s a fresh cut. Not as green as the other locust I’ve scored. It’s a locust just seems a little different, almost rotten which doesn’t make much sense since it’s getting some water.
Didn’t even have time to finish my coffee. Guy responded to my query and I went at it. Summer is hot and I work in the morning
Everything is endangered in Brads neck of the woods. I’m learning there isn’t much BL near me. But it’s loaded to the north of me. Manchester/Vernon area got the goods.
Don’t know much about the history of the tree. I think I’m dealing with one of those inner city tree guys that’ll do some saw work and then find someone to do the rest of the work for free. I’m cool with that The top branches were pretty dead. Everything had been cut and stacked already so hard to judge anything. The rootball looked like it had been down for a long time. To be honest I never even got too close too it. ‘‘Twas a thick jungle in there. A mishmash of downed saplings and old car parts and broken bottles. The beauty of the trailer,,,,cut it winch it and get out of there before they get out of their jammies