Not crude oil, but barkless black locust. Few weeks back I spotted some fresher cut green BL that had been pushed off the road at one of my honey holes. Cut some last weekend until the pulled rope broke on the saw. Went back today for the rest and bucked a couple long down old blowovers. Been a while since I've cut any and forgot how much more work it is to retrieve it. Probably why I've kinda given up on the stuff. Admired this 24" DBH one among the grove of BL in the area. The area had a lot of trees down from a couple storms in August of 2020. Ran about 75% of the load thru the hydro back at storage and will split the rest tomorrow. What i cut last weekend including a small red oak that had been taken down too. More blowovers with bark and some clean up wood still for the taking. Ill probably go back soon.
I'll take that any day!. Barkless BL is always worth the work IMO. I saw a fresh barkless BL blow down the other day up in the woods. I have a bunch of blowdowns I need to get to. I'm hoping next week to get on my hoarding horse and get it done
Might be a minute after this near 2” of rain we’re supposed to get tomorrow. I know the ground will be too soft to do anything here for a couple days.
Nice load. It's been a coons age since I cut any locust. I did scope some out but had been too soft to get to it.
Excellent little grab Brad. You're making me want to go cut up the rest of that locust I dropped in November with you. Maybe later this week when everything dries up.
Better grab it before I do! I want to get a few more loads before it gets too warm and everything comes back to life. I have a few other spots to hit.
There's one by the back entrance to Oakdale. I've stopped and looked. Lots of schlepping wood. My schlepping days are getting numbered. I have others like that too.
Nice stuff right there! Although I'd steer clear of that standing 24" with the itchy vines on it haha
Nice stuff Brad, got a little itch I see hahaha. Surprised you never tried one of these. May not always work but sometimes it would make things easier.
Nice to see you hoarding a bit again. That's a nice load of BL. That cart Joe posted looks interesting or you could get a Nashville wheelbarrow......I hear they really haul in the Benjamins...
Officially an old man now, being 71, a little schlepping now and then makes a good hobby. I said "a little." Keeps one active. If I had black locust here, that would make it worthwhile! I stopped and talked to a homeowner just yesterday... saw a huge red oak that they had cut down in their yard. Gave me the ok to come get what I want. They cut the tree because they just wanted it down. I figured it had died but it was healthy. The big oaks are dying all over my old hometown. This one has some fine wood, it is over 30" DBH. I noticed the poison ivy. We have poison oak here and it's just as big, just horrendous. Yesterday, my gf was recounting a story in our youth how she was on a trail ride (horse) and got a terrible case of poison oak on the only exposed parts of her body -- her face and hands -- just from riding that pretty spring day. I told her that somebody must have burned a brush pile with poison oak and she rode through the smoke. I have never heard of catching it just from the wind, beats me. I used to get that stuff something terrible myself. As an old man, I get it but not as bad. I have a dolly that is in my sig and it sure helps get rounds out of the woods.
Thanks. I need some BL for next years inventory. Have some on hand yet including rounds. Got the rest split yesterday. Close to a half cord for the cut Added the bark on stuff to the stack. Need a little more to top off a half cord. Loaded the barkless. I'll move to my BL storage right down the street today once the rain ends.
Stacked the load yesterday along with other splits on hand. Stack is 12' long by 6.5' tall. Started a second row. I wonder how long one trunk had been down based on the deep fissures common on BL thats been sitting for many years. Anybody know? I'd guess well over a decade. Shows how rot resistant it is.
In theory a good idea but even a good hand truck wouldn't work at this location. An embankment that the town has pushed brush, logs, leaves etc over.
I know a spot just like it Even with the trailer/winch it isn’t worth the trouble. on the other end of the spectrum I took a little joyride today just to look at a patch. Hadnt seen it in awhile,,,was starting to forget where it was. About an acre patch of BL without the normal hills and briars. A few nice leaners and lots of branches but overall no major blowdowns. Church property in Westchester. Omeday maybe I’ll ask if they want someone to clean up that nasty deadwood