work on some big wood splitting made alot of wood but pain in azz to work with but is alot better with log lift then vertical splitter poplar so split pertty good and didn’t get to biggest part tree yet that top half was one of two biggest tree on property that part was manly hollow waiting to see if bottom part hollow
poplar aint half bad wood i like to split em by hand into pretty thin/small sticks for kindling and every once in awhile into big chunks for burnin my neighbor had one down on his place that had a nice hollow point in center of it .... id say this thing had to have been about 6 to 8 ft around
I've been burning year-old poplar lately, and liking it a lot. Decent heat in 40° weather, and it coals well for the next load. yamadog your poplar looks like it was stinky, but lots of good wood.
Poplar is good shoulder wood, I've got about 10 cord in various stages of processing around here. Burning some now.
I am getting good 4-5 hours between reloads burning some poplar and box elder. Great shoulder season wood.
burn alot of popular over years i think burns good like it better when it was in block form crap stinks when splitting and bark stringy burn block wood for alot years seem be popular pallet lumber