I have a bunch around the fence lines and some in another area , I need to kill it all, suggestions , please
Ahem.. there's always this.. Might not impress the neighbors.. but they probably won't complain to you directly Someone mentioned a vinegar mixture that might be a more reasonable solution
I put some stuff in a pump sprayer before and it worked good, killed a bunch of stuff , don't remember what brand it was though
If I tried to burn it , is so dry out now , probably set the whole Woods on fire maybe burn my house down too
Chazsbetterhalf says it's a mixture of salt/vinegar/dish soap 1 gal vinegar 1 cup salt A bit of dish soap.. it acts as a surfactant.. makes it sticks to the leaves. She says not for perennial plants/weeds though
Maybe I should just get Poison Ivy killer and use it on everything I have some have that to kill also
Depends on what brush you are killing Gordons brush killer is available at farm stores works pretty well if you have a licence garlon 4 works real well also tordon but they are restricted use there are many options but you have to know the types of brush you are killing to get the best bang for your buck Gordons products have a good rep and a lot of info is available as with all the best results are achieved by following the label rates if you need any more info contact me I spray a lot of rightaways JB
If you have any trees nearby that you want to keep I wouldn’t use brush killer. I will use Roundup Pro Max at 8oz/gal on vines and brushy crap. I used the Bayer Brush Killer around my property and lost 5 huge Oaks Red and White. 2-4d, tricoplyr, dicamba are all tree killers. Dicamba is responsible for the loss of millions of trees in the Midwest and south. Glyphosate is not harmless either but it won’t kill your trees, or worse a neighbors.
I am in Pa there is a midwest company Hefty Seed they are in the dakotas they have a lot of experience with herbicides and I am sure they might have a good idea what will work best in your area Good Luck JB
Thanks , I my do that I'm sure I have every kind of sapling that is around here Oak , Maple , cottonwood , popular. Plus some of these dam things
Glosophate (round-up) And 2,4,D (kills broadleaf) In recommended doses, 2,4,D is used right on a lawn to kill broadleaf without harming grass.