The wood pile doesn't refill itself. Found this for free on FBM. There's 2 more trailers full worth. It's 9 only about 9 miles away from my house. All ash. A lot of it is cut to length but some needs shortening. Some is short, over 99% of it is solid and will be ready to burn next year after split and stacked. I'll go over tomorrow morning for loads 2 and 3.
Nice find Hork! Random lengths are a pain but if it works for you all the power to ya. Dead/down ash that's not punky is getting to be scarce around here.
Ok, loads 2 and 3 today. Here's load 2 unloaded. And load 3 in the trailer. There's 1 more load at the guy's house. Maybe not a full load left, but probably closer to another full load than not. My trailer holds 2/3 of a cord when filled like this. 3 loads already is 2 full cords. So there's somewhere between 2 -1/3 cord to 2 -2/3 of a cord I'll have collected when I'm done. I'll wait until this crap snow melts to get the rest. I'll also start working on right sizing the rounds, then splitting them.