Got some firewood dropped off the other day. Had a bunch of red oak already and was hoping this was white oak based on the color difference. Definitely not as "red" but leaves are not rounded like white oak. Last image is red oak on the left compared to a split from the other log.
Agreed, Pin oak. Good stuff , stinks compared to other oaks in my opinion. I get a lot of it here, seems like the ants get to them and maybe that’s the smell.
I was seeing pin oak as well. As stated the stinkiest of the oaks IME. Still graet stuff you got there..a
Do you think all of the logs in the first pic are pin oak? I was thinking the whiter logs were different than the redder logs. They came in different loads several weeks apart. The logs on the bottom look like red oak but are the stinkiest wood I have ever split!!!!
Although it is incorrect, my usual perusal entails "if it's not northern white, then it is a red". Of course there are many of both and only one each of true red or white.
Definitely smells like manure so pin oak it is. Tires are to slow the kids down on the zip line before they hit the anchor frame!
From my short experience cutting red oak, the trunk wood can be a lot redder than limb wood. And oak limbs can be very large, so you might not know which is which if getting it delivered in 10-14' lengths.
Pin oak, 100%. We get a lot of it here. The smell has nothing to do with ants; they just stink. I like the smell though, lol; it reminds me of cleaning horse stalls when I was a teen.