What are the realistic burn times with this stove if you are burning oak? I am thinking of replacing the stove in the old farm managers cottage.
I had one for 4 years or so, then just replaced it with the NC30. In my situation, I could run my house decently with it. It was fine down to 25 degrees for 10 hrs or so (a little cool in the house by the time I got home from work), down to 20 degrees 8-10 hrs and cooler in the house (62-65ish), but 15 and below I lost it maybe 3 definetly not 4 hours. In that I'd say (I didn't have oak to run with it at the time, but I ran quite a bit of hedge and hedge combo in the cold) coal ups and ash build up is the biggest issue in time management. So run time is comfortable in the 3-6 hrs (from the low to the high).
I cant remember exactly but I want to say 1500 ish. I know it was on the top end of the 13's rated capacity. What are you looking for in it? Is this a get away location? Quick warm ups?
It is the old farm managers cottage on my farm. It is a rental now. The old stove is always needing a door gasket or the door glass is loose, and has gotten to the point where it is worrisome.
I hear you. It is just I have looked around and seen some wildly different statements on burn times. Mostly low but some high. The 13 is a little smaller than the current stove. But the current stove will run you out of the house and it won't go over night either.
This one can put heat out and pretty decently. Just don't expect good strong long runs. I made it through nights & work, but it was cooler in the house too when I went to get it started. It's just what your willing to put up with. I was willing and I made it work. Now the NC-30 I can Cadillac it down to zero or so.
The 30 in my case is out of the question for a number of reasons. Is the stove easy to run? And how did it draft? It would be run through about a 20' SS lined masonry chimney.
Easy to run... Yes Drafts good at my 16' ish chimney. Mines single and triple wall. The worst part was when it got cold, coal and ash build up. I was taking a load out daily, just not a whole lot of room in there. Plus the length of cuts. I found 12" ish cuts was the best, to prevent roll outs. The best part you can run her and not have to worry about it. I was running hedge in her and could shut her down let idle out. But your square footage is going to be the biggest obstacle to work around. How big of room is it in? How's the air flow around the house? Things to think about...
Am correct in having read that there is no lip on the inside of the stove? At 12" were you loading NS?
Yes there is a lip. I can take pics if you want. It's in the garage. Yes NS is 12ish and EW is 16ish (18 will fit but awkward).
yeah 12 inchers loading N/S isn't going to produce long burn times but she'll run pretty hot with that kind of load compared to the E/W method , which was what the design was set up for. nothing wrong with loading N/S but a long burn time that way isn't going to happen
I cut my wood 16" it works well in my stove and the current cottage stove. I can load my stove N/S to pump the heat or E/W and put a couple splits N/S on one end of the firebox for longer burns but still fill the box up.
I have the 13 at the cottage and am quite pleased with it (...and the customer service at it's birthplace). Since it is only used on weekends, I can't give a realistic review of it since it is not lit 24-7 during the heating season, but- If I am to fire it up one last time usually around 10:00 and turn the air down, I can expect to have barely enough coals to rekindle 8-9 hours later in mild weather...Overnight lows in 30's. If it gets colder than that, I usually fire up during the overnight once. The area I heat at the cottage is a small 900 square feet. I am quite confident that you will be totally satisfied with the 13 given your square footage and locale. Just one more thing, sometimes I will drop in at the cottage during the winter and the inside temp of the building will be below zero. Within 2 hours, I am in just my shirt and comfortable. The stove is great!