I’m on it and have been for a few years. It really all depends on your area if it will be valuable or not. In my area it seems to be pretty good. Generally it has a lot of recommendations for local services(contractors, painters, electricians, plumbers...) I’ve actually hired a couple based of recommendations on there and have been very happy. It also has posts for community events, local fund raisers, youth sports, services needed (for example if someone needs their driveway plowed or lawn mowed) They also have a for sale section which seems to be halfway decent. But like I mentioned above it completely depends on your area and the “neighbors” that are on the site. For example In the last area I lived there seemed to be a couple of bad apples that ruined the site...constant complaining about tax bills and local politics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We got the post card invite last year or the year before. At the time I was cutting back on screen time.
Never heard of it till now. But then again, I have limited internet footprint. Pretty much just here. I check "new posts" here more in one day, than I've checked my email account in a year .
I'm on it but have maybe left 2 comments in 2 years. It's just a way of posting current events for neighbors. I look a couple times a week, mostly to see if theres been any recent crime stuff. If I didn't have so much firewood already, theres been some really good wood opportunities listed on there.