After work today the sun was still shining and it was a solid 80 out, perfect time to sharpen the Husqvarna and give it a little breakfast. I didn't split them as my neighbor will be dropping his splitter off Friday afternoon while I'm at work as payment for me giving him a hand with his firewood hoard (did about a chord of ash and a chord of white birch, delivered logs). I need it bad as some of the rounds I have from this cherry and the red oak are so knotty I think they were made by the devil himself.
My favorite wood to cut, smells like bubble gum and continues to leave an aroma around my lot for a few days later. Dries pretty fast too.
Got my first loads of cherry last fall from a blow down. Got another this spring. I did steal a few splits and mixed them in last winter and they smelled wonderful. Can't wait to try and burn this year as everyone says it should be good to go.
SHould season in 1 year from what I know, I picked up a few cherry rounds I had that were much smaller and in the sun for the past 3 months, lost at least half a pound of water.
Definitely smells and looks like cherry up close, in fact there's a cherry baby tree not far from of it. If it was a black Birch I'd be surprised as I've never come across it in my travels.
Looks like cherry to me and I cut a bunch of it, besides if it has that cherry aroma ain't no mistaking it.
I've never seen black birch, but that is an odd cherry. You've seen enough cherry by the sounds of it, so I'd have to say that is the tatted up, pierced all over, dyed hair cherry rebel youth you took your husky to.