I had this idea for a while to make a fixed sawbuck near my brush piles. I have a lot of limbs and saplings in the 2" to 5" size that need to be cleaned up and the thought of having to keep bending over to cut them wasn't my idea of making things simple. It is just made of a PT 4" x 4" sunk in two feet down with stone tamped around the post. Two 24" arms at a 45 degree angle and two 18" cross pieces. If I like the function of it the arms will get bolted with lag screws. I'm using heavy screws for now. I loaded it up and strapped it all tight. It took longer to load than to cut it. Next time I'll loop the strap over around the back and back over to the front so there is two strapping points. Nice part is wood doesn't move around while cutting. I just used the MS 170 and it was nothing. It will get some tweaking as I go. This pile is about a a yard cart full. Probably a weekends worth of wood, so I can't complain.