Christmas Day was unusually warm…followed by three days of rain. Was getting a bit squirely so when we finally got a sunny say I went out for some cherry. I had already cut half the tree, but the rest was covered in brambles and black locust saplings. Waited for this time of year to clear it away and cut some up. Barely a truck bed load because I had to get somewhere. Will take the rest, maybe tomorrow. And that stick of locust next to it.
Good stuff there. The BL REALLY caught my attention of course. Yeah ive been working in the same unpleasant conditions here. Not fun but slowly getting it done.
I understand about needing to get out in the woods. We spent the last ten days travelling to see family for the holidays and I'm feeling the same right now. Unfortunately its rain rain rain all weekend. Looks like a good load of wood! Here's hoping for a long enough break in the weather to put the x27 to work!
I hadn’t cut BL in a while. The cherry rounds were 20” and pretty heavy. But the BL was half that and felt heavier. Thankfully my back feels good…arms sore though