Not bad for 50 bones I guess, but I certainly wouldn't call it a triaxle load. A triaxle load of logs here runs ~$800 and yields ~7 full cord of wood. Don't think you'll get that much from that pile is all I'm saying.
It was a full Mack Granite Tri-Axle loaded to the top of the sides. I had to come home early from work to guide him into the driveway to unload . I work for a Mack Truck Dealer so I was getting a good deal. The wood was free but I had to pay $ 50.00 to have the machine operator load it in the Truck
Not sure yet I will look & see if I can identify the wood when I get home from work today. I had to break out the Chainsaw after it was unloaded yesterday as 1 of the logs slipped under the fence into the neighbors driveway & it started raining as I was finished cutting, so no time to admire & look closely at the load
not a bad looking load for $50. I would guess maybe two cord yield? Well skidded and handled...may wreak havoc on your chains! Is that your wood or the neighbors on the other side of the fence? Trying to keep up with the Jones's, huh?
Yeah, tri axle dump. I had a load of mostly maple moved to my house once to cut it up with a big dump. A bunch of us went up to load the truck. We got 2+ cords in it but we had to keep climbing in and rearranging the logs as tossed in with a tractor bucket they were taking up way too much space. It was one free ride/load so we wanted to get it all in. We were all doing a lady who inherited her father's cranberry bog a favor removing the trees that were cut down and all these cut down trees were in the way of the guy who was trying to manage the bog and bring it back to production for her. I forget how many cubic yards the dump was. If you get two cords, $25 a cord and dumped in your own yard is a good deal.
I had a friend stop by & look @ the Log Pile as I had some trouble IDing the wood . He thinks I got Cork Tree, Pin Oak, Poplar, & Beech
I would tell him to keep bringing them at that price. Saves a lot of your time and wear and tear on the body.
I have realized over the years that I am horrible at guessing how much is in a pile of logs. great score!!!
I was trying to guess what's in my drive yesterday, but I came up with a different answer than the last time I tried. I'll know for sure when's it's all processed and stacked.