Powerhorse 3-Pt. Horizontal/Vertical Log Splitter 22 Tons | Log Splitters| Northern Tool + Equipment
I actually thought about buying one of these. It has a lot of things I need and some of the things I don't as compared to a similar priced Harbor Freight log splitter. That being said however I looked up the closet store and it is 1000 miles away. That is not a misprint. So I looked up shipping...$200! So in the end, even though it would be ideal for my needs, Harbor Frieght it is.
Before I bought the north star 37 ton, I considered one of these. Brother and I both burn wood-he has a tractor and I would have the splitter. Only thing is, one is not good without the other, right? Wherever you need the splitter, you have to haul the tractor. That involves a 3/4 ton truck with trailer brakes for it's trailer!