Good thing I'm not superstitious, I'd be in the corner and never leave the house with all those rules.
Yeahbut, iffn she is holdin out on ya wit the money... 85. Don’t ever hang your hoe on a tree branch. Sorry, I'm done. Nice winter but still long and gettin bored. But number 17? Really?
I will have to admit that until last week I had never heard of nutella. I still am unsure of what the substance really is as a matter of fact. I dont think I would like it though. But lost in the jungle with nothing to eat? Well, rat on a stick cooked over some C-4 slivers, yum yum. Just dont make me eat them while cooped up in a 5 gallon bucket.
First time I saw that nutella stuff a few years back, some "mother" in Wally world (go figure) had a little whining crying brat in the shopping cart. She had a container of it with some dipping sticks/crackers in her cart. In order to shut the kid up, she openned it up, gave it to him and he would have nothing to do with it. (maybe it is poison??) She then turned and put the open container on the nearest shelf and walked away pushing her cart with the brat in it. Really? Yup. Any wonder why the kid is like he was with that type of disregard? Wonder what he is like now-a-days.
I tried some for the first time yesterday (didn't taste a thing like the fudge) dipping the tip of a knife in it. It was like thick snot only brown and nauseatingly sweet.I tossed the container in the trash. I can't see how anyone or anything could like that chit let alone eat it. Rats on a stick are even better over an open fire if you were able. The same for snake. It makes parts crispy and adds a nice smokey flavor.