It's that time of year.... [ATTACH]
I wish I could like this 2x
I could probably sharpen a saw, while eating a cheeseburger and still drive better than some yahoos out there....especially in the snow.
I will always say that nothing beats a Lake Superior sunset, but those are some beautiful pics. [ATTACH]
:rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol: I know a few guys that would fall for that!!!
Lol. That is pretty neat. I could see some business owner or something buying that to stop traffic in front of the store. Not sure for 10k.
Ugh...have fun with that.
Same here, desk job and hand split everything. I actually broke a box store maul on a load of elm last year. Got an isocore and much better time....
That turned out awesome! Great job!
Lots of dirt roads around here. I'm surrounded on 3 sides by them, so I know all about what you say. County does a decent enough job keeping up...
I was driving down a dirt road the other day and I thought, if I only ever drive on roads like this, I would be a happy man. [ATTACH]
Nice work. I like the vertical design one. The cutouts are sweet, as all the ones you show on here are.
Love the first pic with all the rounds. Looks cool. Great work
[ATTACH] I busted my butt for a pickup load of white and red oak the other get a dump truck load delivered for free. Nice job.:salute:
Christmas gift from the wife [ATTACH]
If you are worried about the pen fading, just get a paint pen. [ATTACH]
Love the pic of the stacked rounds!
Merry Christmas everyone