[ATTACH] Thank you, found an earlier post that sounds like people trust permethrin as well. Leaving this here as a basic guideline that makes...
Shout out for getting it done with the harbor freight/Pittsburgh maul, love it.
Is there a go-to spray people like for work clothes?
Spray bottle with half water half vinegar for that pickly effect
Could always add a simple lean-to off the side for the splitter.
Hopped on FBM last week and saw there was some walnut free for the taking. I know it is not regarded as the Most Desirable species on this forum,...
What is your drying time like when splitting oak that small? I did the same with cherry and maple last year, and it sold quite well.
Agree- quite a few Hybrid Hoarders near the lake are firewood stand in the front for the vacationers, and Deep Stacks in the back. Although I...
Yes I am always sure to avoid “Decapitators” from being loose stacked in the back, as I could only imagine best case needing a new windshield....
Of course when the minivan is in the shop, a nice load of cherry shows up 1/2 mile from me already cut, easy access: [ATTACH] There’s no way I...
Thanks everyone for the advice and good links- iowahiker when you moved it, how long had the tree been down, and was it already split when you...
Recently I moved to the property next to the in-laws, who have been dealing with oak wilt for a couple of years. They do not burn, and have 3-5...