The little one has a basketball game after that going to Lowe’s to get another sump pump just in case. We got 3-4” rain coming so I rather...
23 / 72 just loaded it up with some locust supposed to warm up again by Friday
Nice work. That should keep you busy for a bit
Expecting some big snow in the mountains
I paid $3.04 using the upside app otherwise it would have been $3.65 . Try this app FHC you will start saving money in no time
39 F / 68f at 5:27 am time to feed the Jotul before the kids wake up. Have a great day
Happy birthday everyone. Enjoy the day
37F/ 68 just loaded it up with ash and locust keep the house toasty so when the kids get home from school they can keep it going till I get home...
Always nice when someone else cuts it up for you. Nice btu there .
Can’t beat that . Nice score.
Happy Monday back to the grind. The weekends sure fly by. Y’all have a great day and be safe.
Thanks Backwoods Savage
Happy birthday to all. Have a blessed day
It sure is , all that wood would last 2 weeks top on cold days . What a rip off
This company is crazy with these insane prices. I need to start selling firewood
44F / 69F i haven’t started a fire since this morning. Very mild day at 59F today. I’ll start a fire before going to bed. Tomorrow will get rain...
Fire pit for the kids and their friends
The temps reached 59F crazy weather. Had a little time to hand split with the X27 fiskars. A little bit every day adds up quickly
Some ash from a tree company billb3
So do I , I hate the bugs so I look forward to cooler temps Scotty Overkill