My Honda HS828 snow blower stopped dead in its tracks yesterday. Mrs. Chili and I dragged it up to the garage (it's a heavy b@$tard) and inside....
25*F outside here. Some lovely ash coals in the stove and a very comfortable 74* indoors with a very happy cat.
That's a great plenty. I have a couple buddies in the Montague/White Lake area
Are you up around Rogers City or Alpena? That looks like the greatest probability for massive amounts of snow. Here in Manistee County, they're...
32* Snow has stopped for now. We only got a couple inches but with temps right at the freezing point, roads can be sketchy. I have my stove...
34*, no wind to speak of. By NWS, we may get 3" or so over the next couple days. I have enough wood and a full freezer. Life is good.
Thank you. That's just what I was looking for. After all, form follows function. Now to start digging through my "inventory"
Well, now I guess I need an Isocore. Will it never end?
I've been using a Truper splitting maul for the past 3 years. I'm not sure how much it weighs. For Christmas I received an X27 so today I got...
Here in Manistee Co, MI we got maybe 3/4" of snow overnight. Not enough to count. Forecast doesn't look like much for the next few days, either....
@MAF413 could you take some closer pictures of your steps? My truck certainly needs something like that
It's not fully loaded until you're riding on the bump stops.
Nice work! BTW, my wife is from 48895
Nice score! Keep it properly maintained and maybe you'll never have to use it. I changed oil and greased my Honda HS828 in mid November....
I think we had the same windstorm a couple days before you guys back east did. It provided me with another nice ash and remnants are currently in...
That's a decent way to start. We had our insert re-installed properly, the chimney relined and the top six courses of block replaced. The...
That paint marker is slick!
22*F/69*F I'm burning a little fire in the stove, ash. It's what I have the most of. It's very comfortable in here, guess it's time to refill my...
I'm envious. I have too much cab and too little box. (but it was cheap)
buZZsaw BRAD, how long is the box on your truck?