After taking care of a neighbor's chooks, it dawned on me that the reason they more than likely are overfeeding the critters. A fat (internally)...
Curious, did you switch feed for the ladies? Wondering how it's going now, whether or not you changed their feed.
That's interesting about the PH of the water and the special pellets. I don't remember either of those being mentioned by either of the water...
That's what Culligan told us. It was suggested we put a softener after the Iron Curtain to take care of the hard water but we couldn't afford...
Maybe an Iron Curtain? My water is terrible with iron, stinks and turned whites to rust colored until the contraption went in. No salt or...
The 4 older hens won't lay as many eggs their second season but those eggs should be larger than the first season. It also usually takes longer...
That's interesting, about the virus. I'll ask Holly when I see her later this week. That tree has lived through the worst a winter could throw...
Last week a friend contacted me, she has an American chestnut in the yard of a rental house she owns in south central UP. I thought maybe she...
That'll keep the snow off the windshield.
Basswood makes the best kindling if split small enough. It dries fast and is easy to split. Hope you can find some carvers. Do you think you'll...
Two weeks ago I had my 500 gal. tank topped off. Because I own my own tank (purchased in the fall of 2014 for $700) I pay a dime a gallon less....
[ATTACH] December 2019
I'd like to stream to multiple devices, phone and puter mainly, radio if possible. I used Pandora years ago, the ads are annoying which is one of...
I recently replaced my 10 year old Mac so looking for advice. For those of you (all of you?) what streaming platform do you use and is it KISS...
The one cranking when the ice cream was ready got to lick the dasher :-) at least in my house. My folks gave me a one like that about 30 or so...
Liver can be good eats, depends on how the animal was handled after dispatch. Any liver is fair game for the most part, venison from a rutting...
Pear on the left, apple on the right, both limb wood. Neither was really big enough to split but split I did...[ATTACH]
Black ash and yellow birch. These went through a processor so the bark is kind of messed up on the black ash. [ATTACH]
I'd love to if I could find one and if my brother (who now owns the home place) takes care of it. To find something that would survive Zone 5...
Brother finally took a couple pictures of the lone pecan tree at the farm. It's probably close to 20 years old and since it's buddy didn't...