Pretty mild winter here this year as well. Will probably still have a few morning/evening fires, but 30 day forecast looks pretty mild. I barely...
Completely agree. The locust and apple work great in the old smoke dragon out in the shop…not so much in the NC30 in the house. Dead standing...
For me locust is almost useless when burned by itself during very cold weather. Fills the stove with coals and doesn’t throw much heat. Works...
If I was selling wood I would measure it. Too much work to sell it for what I could get for it, so I just eyeball it as well. Like you said my...
I have tried the ash and paper towel method as well. It does work, but not nearly as fast and clean as the sprayway glass cleaner. I use the damp...
Spray way is not ammonia based. Much easier and cleaner than using stove ash and newspaper.
What do you use to clean the glass on your stove? I have read all of the horror stories for years about how hard it is to get the soot off the...
My rack is my little yard trailer that I can back up to the sliding glass door on the patio. Puts my wood supply about 3 steps from the stove....
My biggest was an American elm. Didn’t measure it, but 36” bar lacked a little over 4” of getting through it when bucking from both sides. Ended...
I cut a couple trainloads of firewood with a second hand 029 and an ms290 that I bought new several years after I bought the 029. I took the 029...
From my experience, splitting American elm sucks whether green or dry. Most Siberian elm I’ve dealt with splits very easily if green, like water...
I’ve done it that way before and they held up ok. Lasted about 10 years and I left them full of wood when I moved from that place. Never had any...
I have decided that going forward I am done with stacking. I have access to an unlimited supply of IBC totes for free. I am going to build 3 bins...
Last several years I had already burned at least a face cord by now. Have only had one small fire so far this fall. Warmest October I’ve ever seen...
I can tell you that I can load a heaping load of rounds, loose thrown into my dump trailer. Then dump them out and split them and throw the splits...
Agree, but I still think I will get the chimney cleaned next weekend. Was 52 degrees here this morning. Lovin it!
My dump trailer seems like it gets bigger every year. Didn’t use to take nearly as long to fill it up. Thinking I should trade it for a smaller...
+1 on the hatchet holder. Gonna add one for my hatchet and one for the short Pickeroon as well. If I can ever find the time, I’m going to add a...
So sad, always enjoyed what he had to share with us. Sure didn’t seem like a selfish man…I have to believe that he made the best decision he...
Absolutely agree. I Hate push through splitters due to having to wrestle the pieces back to the push plate to resplit. I will take a traveling...