The great thing about selling firewood is that you can have your own business model and be your own boss. I share how I price and deliver my...
Have you loaded, delivered, wheelbarrowed, stacked four face cords on a two hundred mile run? $1,120 before tips. Average $303 per face cord....
Tips are a very important revenue source for me. My diesel fuel, truck and trailer tires, and general travel maintenance costs are a big expense....
I wheelbarrow and stack 100% of my deliveries and need to be able to get into narrow driveways and back alleys. My typical 4 facecord delivery...
Plenty of cheap firewood around Nashville. I charge 2-3x more and get all the business I can handle. Many reasons why that I don’t care to...
Just speaking for myself, but those that have seasoned firewood going into late Winter have the market all to themselves. Below freezing days in...
I bring a blower, broom and dust pan on my deliveries to keep the Nashvillians happy. Dripping oil or transmission fluid on the drive way is a...
Three face cords delivered today and put me at 285 for the year. 300 was my goal, but will fall short by a few. Rough delivery for the first two...
Plenty of sellers here in Middle Tn asking $80-130 a face cord. I am delivering 3-4 a day at my stupid price. A lot of CL sellers are using...
I provide a 1 CUFT bundle of kindling with every purchase. Amounts to about eight face cords a year. Even though I don’t sell poplar, it makes...
There are a lot of wealthy folks who will pay a premium for very seasoned premium firewood. Received a call Sunday from a guy who wanted firewood...
Slow start to the month. Snow flurries brought in a few orders today. Bagged 51 sales last month despite being away for 11 delivery days. A lot...
Have a few cutting and clearing jobs I am trying to keep up with. However, puts me behind on deliveries. Four FCs going out tomorrow since I...
If true, I'd be a billionaire my now. One of my customers today tipped me $70 on top of my outragious price per rick. He liked that that I...
Temps droping in middle TN starting Friday, so building up the heat in the house with some hickory and white oak. Wife is fully dressed, so not...
Yes, this firewood gig started out part time and now well into overtime. [ATTACH]
I thought I would miss out on a lot of sales by going to Italy for ten days. However, not a single customer bagged on me by having to wait for...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Today’s deliveries. [ATTACH]
Didn’t include the three ricks of red oak in my trailer because I was posting a CL ad for white oak. [ATTACH]