Been burning mainly red oak with some poplar (tulip) and red maple mixed in
It has been a cold January so far in NC. Currently 14 here in Buncombe County. It may get up to 39 today which will feel like a heat wave.
2024 Final Standings 38 - Chud (2024 Champion!!) 30 - buZZsaw BRAD 26 - Eric Wanderweg 18 - jrider 15 - isaaccarlson 14 - Sandhillbilly 12 -...
Congratulations to Chud!!!! as our 2024 FHC Species Smasher Champion :dex::axe: Add this to your profile (you can probably make the font etc...
Only 3 days left! Will anyone make a surprise late run? I'm glad it's been a fun thread. It is interesting to see how many different types of...
38 - Chud 30 - buZZsaw BRAD 26 - Eric Wanderweg 18 - jrider 15 - isaaccarlson 14 - Sandhillbilly 12 - JPDavis 11 - LCBug 11 - TnMan 9 -...
There was a post in CL here from someone who had a giant Officer Big Mac (remember him?) from the McDonald's playground in their back yard. I...
38 - Chud 30 - buZZsaw BRAD 26 - Eric Wanderweg 18 - jrider 15 - isaaccarlson 13 - Sandhillbilly 12 - JPDavis 11 - LCBug 11 - TnMan 9 -...
I'm going to help a neighbor in a couple hours who has 5 trees down on his property. Hey maybe there'll be some species I can add to my...
Just over a month left to go! Sorry that I haven't been updating this post as often as I originally planned. Life has been full speed ahead. As...
35 - Chud 28 - buZZsaw BRAD 26 - Eric Wanderweg 18 - jrider 15 - isaaccarlson 13 - Sandhillbilly 12 - JPDavis 11 - LCBug 11 - TnMan 9 -...
Mid fall and heading into winter and the home stretch... 2.5 months left in the year and this competition! Chud has a good lead but buZZsaw BRAD...
34 - Chud 27 - buZZsaw BRAD 24 - Eric Wanderweg 18 - jrider 15 - isaaccarlson 12 - JPDavis 11 - LCBug 11 - Sandhillbilly 10 - TnMan 9 - Buttermilk...
[ATTACH] Black locust
Amongst all the devastation there is a lot of beauty however. The community has come together in so many ways, helping and looking after one...
[ATTACH] Debris in Lake Lure below Chimney Rock
[ATTACH] Biltmore Village (just south of downtown Asheville) was devastated
[ATTACH] The town of Marshall in Madison County
It was really bad here. We live in Arden, just south of Asheville. We are fortunate, I had some trees down (1 red oak, 1 locust and 2 cherry) but...