I will be ignoring that "rule".
It looks very similar in size the deere I had. What model is it?
I see the deere is watching a real tractor do some work.
Currently my main 2 saws, when I want to git er done, is the XS2511p and the XS241. Of course I like to mix in my vintage saws here n there on...
Kinda looks like that XS4910 and your 2511 are your msin go to saws now.
If I were a gambling man I go to the casino while over that way, but I'm not so I won't. lol
I 100% agree. Id never go back to a manual tractor unless it was an antique that I just drove around for fun.
Then there is still the 501P that I started on before the deep freeze. [ATTACH]
This is a CS400. Its just filthy but has excellent compression, no piston scoring and fires up. Anywhere I've wiped the gunk off its not even...
I haven't had an update here in a while due to the very cold weather we had thus winter. I will be getting back on the echos before long. I have...
I've heard it called that.
It would be beautiful for sure.
Yes it is.
For the wood nerds. The entire trunk of this maple was a bit of pain to split compared to normal and had that wave in the grain top to bottom....
Even if a saw uses more fuel after porting, they cut so much faster it makes up for it and then some usually.
Yeah buddy. :thumbs:
Most certainly my friend.