I like Shagbark but so do the hickory borers. Throw some mothballs in with the splits when you stack, it seems to help some.
Not in the snow belt but we had a winter for sure.
I'm another one who loves doing logger tops
Just took another measurement and believe I will end up using about 3 cords or maybe just a smidge over.
32/70 beech and oak coals still warming, reload shortly. 50 coming for today.
Nice truck
Sorry for your loss, they bring a lot of joy to our lives but the time seems to fly.
I just roll the rounds up one of my ramps.
35/70 heading down soon to reload the stove just heard the gas boiler thermostat trip. Ended up with 3" of snow. Had the saws prepped and ready...
37/71 have a fire of ash going. Got enough snow this evening just to cover the grass.
good job, I Have a fair amount hauled, splitting and stacking shall commence soon.
Warmed to 60 today and rain moving in tonight so I'm glad I got after it.
I'm in the red elm camp, good stuff.
They are all I want to handle, but they were a smidge easier rolling up the ramp than before with snow on the bark
Had a dead ash down in the corn field and we were cold enough for frozen ground this morning. Then I sliced up 4 more big maple rounds and rolled...
More wood needed
23/70 ash and locust in the Buck topped off the patio rack for maybe the last time.
45/73 ash and some small white oak splits. Saw 55 today.
I don't see any shagbark :binoculars:
Nice set up