I had not heard that.. Makes sense, though. It chugged along fine all last heating season, I only noticed an issue about 4 weeks into this season.
What came out of mine was a seasons worth of burning, 24/7 for 3-4 months. Id wager the ceramic cats fair better since the openings are much...
Blackened glass is par for the course on a stove that can operate low and slow. During the "blizzard" :rolleyes: we just had here in MI, The Kings...
Im thinking at least a year... Not really sure.
I had some crap stored along this wall on the second level of our garage. Today was sorta organize everything day and this is what I found.......
Some are a little light, but still solid. Making progress in between the blizzard and wind… [ATTACH]
I picked up some EXL loops for almost or better than 1/2 of what a comparable loop of Stihl would run.
Ivee switched to Oregon solely based on price. Stihl, whom I support only because I like to support my local dealer, is not worth the premium....
Its a vent installed in the gable sides of attic space for ventilation. [IMG]
Shagbark Hickory
It burns hot! Not sure if its longevity is impacted... I load the stove twice a day. Sometimes there's hickory in the load, sometimes there isn't.
Same... Feels like a piece of Basswood. Still pops and crackles, though.
Its wood I got from a clearing job. Right place, right time.
I was genuinely curious what the internal moisture content would be. Ends of the logs were between 15 and 18%.
Ive only put 1.5 tanks through it using a 20" bar with skip chain... It did make me worry a little as it was chewing through that oak like it was...
Since I hauled all these logs home. Pile is about 6' tall, 50' long. Oak, Hickory, Beech, Maple and a little Ironwood for good measure. Ive been...
Thanks. I picked up a 260 a couple years ago that had barely been used for pennies on the dollar. Works great behind the tractor, but the Polaris...
Sorry its taken so long..... [ATTACH]
I was just out there today adding to it and thought about getting a picture, but then I didn't. Ill get one tomorrow if its not raining.
I to have an uglies bin. T posts and hog panels, about 40' long and wide enough to fit pallets in the bottom. #nowaste