All the counties south of the metro are in the EAB quarantine zone and Rice county definitely has it, so you’re not likely to spread it worse by...
I would assume they would with this one because is it an official Bobcat product. Probably not if you homebrew your own remote.
Not 40v but this past summer my uncle and I did clean up at the lake resort our families vacationed at for a week. We bucked and split 2 cords...
That's a nice spread of saws. Out of those options, here is what I would keep or sell with reasons based on my experience and observations. My...
Won’t hurt any feelings. That article is written by a bot. It’s becoming more and more common that someone makes a program to aggregate other...
Get a higher weight rating then you think you need. In that size, I’d be looking at at least a 10k weight rating. The price/weight difference...
Here in Minnesota, both Northern Tool and Runnings carry Stihl and it isn’t just the homeowner saws. Stihl Gas Chainsaw, 20in. Bar, 59cc, 3/8in....
A plastic boot tray works well.
On a related note, does anyone have experience on crossing the border with a non-EPA approved appliance? I know a manufacturer cannot sell it in...
So, this is just speculative guessing on my part, but has anyone heard anything about if Drolet is planning to add a bigger EPA 2020 Approved...
I would take some of the reviews on the other sites with a grain of salt. A lot of those guys are a little more, let's say, enthusiastic, about...
Since it’s going to be for business, not personal use, go bigger. I think you would quickly find with the smaller one that you wished you had gone...
That's because he needs to account for paying a guy to spend the next day cleaning the sap off his big saws. Seriously, everything else sounds...
Interestingly enough, this is technically true. The question is if the concentrations in potato peels and cans are high enough to have the same...
If you use it for felling and bucking, probably. I have a similar 50cc/70cc (but much older) set up to what you have, a 55 rancher and a j-red...
If you’re tearing it down anyways, replace the carb intake boot, new fuel lines and rebuild the carb. Homelite made a series with the...
Also, if it's running for 10 seconds and then cutting out, the impulse hose could have a leak.
If I were you, I'd ask for the saw back and do the repairs yourself because that he doesn't sound like a dealer that knows how to repair saws. If...
My first thought was elm based on the end grain picture, but looking at all the thin, wispy branches the logs are laying on, I'd guess black willow
I’ve always had good luck just hitting it quickly with the impact wrench to loosen it. A mower engine should have enough compression to offer...