Looks like it was for a Mac? Would easily adapt to a 60cc+ saw if you are good at welding and drilling. Would need to reposition the oiler hole
[IMG] The Stellite hardface is worn off the bar right where you cut with it. Notice the flat area just before where the spike or dog attaches....
You made those videos private so no one could watch them?
I had a real good time today talking to old friends and running saws.
The 540 came along later. They are close to 54cc and are open port. They held up alright. They are of the 111 & 115 family and you can swap the...
I've had a lot of different weed whackers over the years. My favorite of all time was/is the Echo SRM2400 straight shaft. It is no longer in...
You will learn in no time at all. This second one has a tilting vice like a Oregon 511A
Looks like a European version? Maybe Canadian? Made by Tecomec in Italy. Feb 1984 like a Oregon 510 but has a reversing motor It will serve you...
Wouldn't hurt to make new chain stops for the grinder?
My 550XP has always had 3/8" X 16"
Best you first compare prices of all your different sources?
I never seen it cut worth a toot at the GTG's
Yes - the choke not closing all the way was a common problem with that era stihls
What's the compression running? Below 120 lbs, a chainsaw is sometimes troublesome to start.
They run much cooler without the catalytic muffler and on a 5100 muffler
Would be better to make your own? A barrel nut and a piece of old fishing rod? The quick Stix is notorious for the rod breaking at the nut from...
Herr Breaker - Spinner pair which were the Oregon standard for many years in the latter part of the 20th Century. The frames are cast iron. These...
I have a Granberg spinner breaker plier set in the tool box for use in the woods and a Herr spinner & breaker (old cast iron Oregon) bench set in...
The two chainsaw cases are made alike in that area.