I was thinking sugar maple also.
I included some pics of different sized logs for perspective. Larger log is 24" in diameter and smaller ones are 14" or so.
Any thoughts? I think I know what family it's in, just not sure about exact variety. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Thinking about putting some sort of trash rack/table between my splitter and conveyor. I know some splitters have something similar as their...
Definitely smells like manure so pin oak it is. Tires are to slow the kids down on the zip line before they hit the anchor frame!
Do you think all of the logs in the first pic are pin oak? I was thinking the whiter logs were different than the redder logs. They came in...
Got some firewood dropped off the other day. Had a bunch of red oak already and was hoping this was white oak based on the color difference....
No - he only brings semi truck loads at a time so it will have to wait for his next order.
Got to see the range-road conveyor in person a few weeks ago. Nice unit for the price and I think it will do what I need. Unfortunately he didn't...
Anyone have experience with a Range-road RR502 conveyor? I can get one unassembled for $2650+ tax. Similar to the previous one I linked but 18'...
Dual ram was the most common style (and typically the cheapest) a few years ago. My least favorite style though because it's at its least...
I HATE stacking! Top 10 things I like about making firewood: 1. Cutting things with a chainsaw 2. Cutting things with a chainsaw 3. Cutting...
Negative tongue weight when towing from the engine end. Usually always toe from this end so I can set up and start splitting with burying the...
I just picked up a barely used Eastonmade 9-16 for a deal I couldn't refuse. Has the 4-way (still brand new), 7 way box wedge and electric start...
Thanks for the info. Did you have to pay any sales or import tax? I pulled the trigger on the 9-16. Will post a thread about it soon.
What options and what did you pay if you don't mind me asking? I'm just about to pull the trigger on a gently used 9-16 with 4 way and box wedge....
My guess is the rental trailer is 6'x12' - most 10k gvw trailers are that size and weigh 2200 - 2800# empty. Mine weighs 2700#. A 1/2 ton truck...
I was thinking hickory as well. Rare for me as I have never received any in the past. I do have some shag bark trees on my property but they are...
Tree service dropped this off the other day. Appears to have been a live tree based on the few leaves that came with it. Very heavy like red...
Looking at other pics of black gum on the internet I think you are right. I have about 20 rounds left to split but I think I'm going to donate it...