NVhunter Thanks for the pic. You have to keep things simple for us Jarhead’s. Crayons and pictures work!
Canadian border VT. Thanks for the info. Can’t wait to finally get it installed. I have some brick work I’m going to attempt.
The probe is guessing 6”s long.
I just finally received my new Woodstock IS. Looks very nice. what are people doing with the condor cat probe? Seems to be to long, just bending...
Just received $500 off shipping! That really helps.
Highbeam no sales tax!
Well I finally put money down on my IS! I’m pretty excited. I did go all plain Jane and soapstone inside and out. Do these come with the Condor...
Slocum Would you even go for the stone on the sides? Or not worth it?
I’m not sure what the extra cost is. Guessing $150 extra.
Gents I’m not sure where to post this one? Looking at putting my order in today or next week for my Ideal Steel. Loooking at going charcoal color...
Canadian border VT Are you pleased with your Ideal Steel? Great burn times. Does your pipe go straight up or threw wall and up? Would sure like...
Maina Thanks for the great input. That’s kinda what I was hoping what our usage will be, close to pellets. I am excited to purchase the WS and...
Highbeam I almost have second bay loaded after today. I have alder logs laying in driveway that might get cut and split this weekend. This will...
Eric B Yes a good friend and I built it.
FatBoy85 They came out of a old fertilizer plant years ago. Guessing 80-100 years old?
Highbeam , If you are considered about over heat would you stick to more Alder? My pellet stove about 80% of the time is on low.
When I can figure how to download a pic I will.
My goal is to have a 3 year supply, my shed I just finished holds around 11 cord.
I really appreciate the reply. I have pretty much all alder for this year and some maple along with some amazing old fir beams which are very dry....