Yes, closer to 50°. Yours may vary a bit on the scale. Try one of these, [ATTACH]
Those 2 pics are an excellent example of why I (& others) say 60° is not the correct angle on an Oregon type grinder. Look how much more hook the...
Madsens has pants that take Labonville inserts(snap in). I have a few pairs, they are more comfortable than chaps.
No different than a tip up model. You wouldn't be standing up to split a 36' round. That model in the post above you would just roll the round up...
Made in USA. Tilts sideways for the big stuff. Logboss Wood Splitter - Logboss Wood Splitter
I use 0000-930-2207 line from Sthil, 3m long. I've yet to have one come back for a new line since I started using this 7-8 yrs ago. Impulse line...
Not going to till it just won't go no more. I bent the wore out top plate and had to rebuild it. Gave a quick Earl Sheive while apart. Motor and...
I have a 69' Lickity Splitter with the original K series Kohler 8hp. Compression getting a bit low now but,it starts so well I hate to tear it...
I thought it was great!
That would be my guess. Has happened around here. lots of repairs covered by the fuel co. I always get a receipt for gas no matter how small of...
3/16" double cut carbide burr for those rocked out chains to get them close......... and then file.
That one is in nice shape cosmetically. I wouldn't take 300 for my 076.
395 triples, [ATTACH]
Same here. Runnin saws is fun but, BSin at the GTG's is the best part. Getting saws back to those that need them for work on Monday got in the...
Hi guys! Not able to make this one. Ya'll have fun.
My Dad used one of those for a couple of decades. Great cart.
M5x12 hex head bolts and lock nuts
For what he wants to spend and 50cc...............346.
I like my 346 and 60cc saw just fine, but I'm hangin on to my bigger saws for now. [ATTACH]