Thats not bad looking apple for as old as it is, only a little termite damage. I'd do and go about anywhere for apple as well. Apple is rare...
I saw that one and so wanted to inquire.
I scored a half cord of butternut once. It does burn poorly.
$300 half cord big leaf maple or paper birch+$60 delivery. $400 half cord for oak, locust, madrona or an all fruit wood plus delivery. My wood...
Love that movie. Used to own it. I've seen the second a couple times, the first is better but they're both good.
I always count. Never been shorted until this year. $320 total. Counted it in front of the customer and told them it was $40 short. They went...
Always sell half cords. If they want more they will ask and have in the past. I'm north of Seattle, about 10 miles. What do your prices look...
That's what I'm hoping for. Customers have always bought early, Aug/Sept. I've split up my posting. We'll see. Either that or I'm stacked for...
Ya, I figure it's probably the economy catching up with people finally. Gotta start paying those student loans again and I don't take plastic.
I've been selling chopped and seasoned hardwoods of my area for about 6 years. Not a huge amount of stock, just what I can fit in the side yard...
Wonder if he's already put them on a scale. He's probably wringing his hands "I'm losing money every day."
If he were in my area I'd message him in a heartbeat. Not mean but informative. Not as bad but I had someone on Facebook selling huge big leaf...
It was the rakers. Thanks guys
I've had no issues in the past noodling large fir rounds, maple, madrona. No issues. What gives now. Sharpen my chains the same. I've only...
Ya. What do you see
I figured it would cut like butter. I guess it could be the chain. The first chain was almost brand new and the second had minimal use. I doubt...
Kind of a bad deal. I responded to a tree guys ad on craiglist for "trailer load of wood". Text what kind he had and he told me sycamore. Never...
Usually it is. An unusual 5 half cords of oak this year. I've been limping along trying to get to my goal of 19 half cords of wood by March....
It was a yard tree in a nicer neighborhood. Didn't notice any manure smell but I was only quartering to make the rounds moveable. Tree was...