About 3 cords so far this season, mostly Ash & Beech... Add some BL for those real cold snaps
12 outside now, BL and Ash keeping it warm for us today.......Merry Christmas to All!
20f, mix of Ash & BL keeping us warm.
Good for you, nice score!
35 was the wake up temp., received much needed rain last night. Under a WSW for late today into tomorrow, up to 12 inches expected but it is all...
26 early this morning, Black Cherry keeping us warm.
Nice score, great pics
The fiskars is the go to tool that I use all the time, saves my back and have had it replaced once with the warranty.
Great score....We are Burnin some Cherry & Ash here tonight to stay warm, Enjoy.
27 now with wind howling on the hilltops, cherry keeping us warm tonight.
It's been milder then most winters...Still used 3.5 cords so far....
Welcome....Great information and people here..... Nice stacks there!
15 wake up temp..The Real cold filters in tonight.... Red Oak burnin now will be adding Black Locust on top to keep warm this weekend.
0/74.... Black locust & Red Oak will be keeping us warm.
29 & Lt Snow ......Ash & Beech keeping us warm today.
Maple and Ash early and late season.... Red Oak and Black Locust in the middle.
Burnin Black Locust and Beech last couple of days.....Beating back this cold snap with no issues, stay warm.
Enjoy the new tool.....I always have the Hookaroon in the truck......Really helps out with the rounds!
About 2.5 cords so far....About the norm, will burn thru April.
Moving as rounds is best for my situation ... Unless rounds are huge, then half or quarter them.....Tough for me to move my splitter out.