[ATTACH] Link to full thread: reddit.com /r/firewood/comments/1gdlkcp/kindling_session He has more kindling, by a factor of 4x or 5x, than I have...
I see a pattern that people located outside a SLF area (PA Map) believe the sign means the wood is contaminated. That's not the meaning, as I...
Why will it be anymore infested than any other FW from those listed counties in PA? Other then TOH the lantern flies don't favor or dislike any...
I saw this today, in the countryside in Lancaster County, PA. Peach gets little mention in here, people say yes it's ok, and good to use for...
Threads like this are outstandingly good reading around this time of year.
39"x47"x46" = 84,318 cu in. per tote 84,318 cu in/1728 cu in per cu ft = 48.795 cu ft. per tote 128 cu ft per cord/48.795 cu ft tote = 2.62 totes...
Burn Wise: How to Build a Wood Shed | US EPA and associated video. I helped a buddy male two of these last year. And the post below this one has...
The particles in my pics are not as fine as this. Which points to carpenter ants. I'll watch closely to see if I can spot any of them. The...
Can you elaborate, please?
I've never seen this before. The wood is from an new and untested source. And I'm planning to leave the stacks there for another 16 months. I...
I know it's some pest, insect. The splits above the small piles in the pics have very fine holes in them, on the bottom of the split and above...
I'd also like to know if anyone has used these for firewood. After I looked them up I recognize the brand (used to be Green Mountain Glove) and...
Agree, top down. Took a few attempts to do it correctly, now I'm hooked. These CSIA videos below it seem so easy, it took a some practice to...
I like 6 mil reinforced plastic for covers, sometimes called "reinforced poly." The reinforcement fibers make all the difference. Used a lot in...
As demoed starting at 00:17 in this video: [MEDIA] The guy in the video makes it look easy. Yes his hand tool looks to be very sharp. I've tried...
SE Pa report: Last year say them in many places. This season very few. At my house none so far, I even have the sticky tape and chicken wire...
How did you get those rounds into the bed of your truck?
Interesting you mention that. Here's another TOH video on all the possible tools for splitting wood, watching the video a few times let me to...
Shown in the first 50 seconds of an Ask This Old House video: [MEDIA] It's a model from DR Power Equipment, here. I have a specific use for it,...