The US exports 9+ million tons of pellets per year while Canada exports 3+ million tons, both mostly to Europe, i.e. lots of pellet supplies in...
I would put down two white oak logs in parallel and stack the rest on top to be off the ground. Processing hickory first and cherry second would...
I read years ago that "hoarding" is genetic or intrinsic to human nature. Those who stored more went on to produce more children. Last I looked,...
We only heat with wood and have "consumed" none, a riddle. No snow on the ground. So far, only had one 3 1/2" snow back in December which...
Actually, your "cut" reminds me of eastern red cedar, i.e. juniper. I cut a downed and seasoned juniper log and was startled to find the interior...
I never noticed the BTU error but gave up on BTU's because of the scatter and noise in the numbers, gross versus net for example. I only use...
Please recheck your numbers. For example, the GREEN density of pinyon pine is listed as 51 lb/ft3 by Colorado State University. Your DRY...
I have an all fuel 8" ID triple wall stainless chimney and clean it once a year in the summer with a poly brush and fiberglass poles (dry wood)....
I have a wood-coal furnace and the design is different compared to only wood. My grate is MUCH larger. Coal burns a LOT hotter than wood,...
I first open a basement window and then use a keyboard blower (Amazon). Rechargeable and I just point it up toward the chimney inside the firebox...
American wood pellets join crude oil and natural gas with prices set by international trade. The US imports and exports crude oil in large...
21 1/2 inch red oak downed by stump rot in the home woods with a `14" Makita battery chainsaw. 180 watt-hrs for one cut, all of two 5 amp-hr 18...
Downed oak near the road does not last so I take what I want as soon as possible. Sugar maple is less popular but rots quicker depending on...
16 deg F out, 71 in. Forecast is for the first below zero night of the season. Adding one hackberry and one slippery elm when we feel a chill....
I did put a 1/4 cord of hackberry in my shed at the same time as the outside row was built and so far the outside row and the inside hackberry...
We have dried firewood in our shed for 30 years with six 24' rows on pallets and with 4"+ row gaps and 3-4 year drying time rotation with good...
BUT the drive looks MUCH nicer spread by hand!
As others have said, we enjoy the heating pattern of wood heat, i.e. a steady uninterrupted flow of warmth. Propane cycles would leave us chilled...
I open a basement window every time I start and have a rechargeable "keyboard" blower/duster (amazon) ready in case a downdraft occurs. Not...
Looks like black walnut but there is a LOT of white sapwood, though the growth rings look wide, i.e. the tree grew VERY fast or not black walnut....