Morning all. Really dark outside so I can't tell what we are getting today. Not as much rain as yesterday I think. Temps just above freezing so...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to CtRider [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to 2in1 & adam wernham & bestadam & Bryce & Chad grimes & docj & dugburg & Eliklink & Ernie Kash & Fabien &...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to Andrew Ayers & BenRaud & David Blake & Gael Force & greendohn & highnotemusic & jason493 & Kory Bird &...
Morning all. Dark, dark, grey and wet out there this morning. Shadow didn't turn her clock ahead last night so she slept in. Bookkeeping and...
What is the square footage of the building? Very nice inside.
Morning all. Dark, grey, windy and wet out there today. I think we have an atmospheric river over the coast today and tomorrow. Safe travels on...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to BC Doug Fir [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to Horkn [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to Auto5guy & Beaver's Brother & Becky Choate & Benjamin & Big Smokey & blank_dan & cryonut1775 & CTYank &...
Morning all. Overcast and windy. Sounds like the forecast is for rain all weekend. Off to work again today. Very quiet school as there are not...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to clemsonfor [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to AJY & allis 200 & bob & Caspy6 & clint orton & Estabrook & Forrest & Gary Olson & Grand Junction Trees &...
Morning all. I see I have missed a few days of greetings. Partially clear this morning. Yesterday was mainly sunny with a couple of rain...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to hovlandhomestead [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to 58bowhunter & AKHwyJunkie & AustinHoarder & Caveman & Daddy Gormley &@Jae & jojosa & Luke & Martins &...
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to Unicorn1 [ATTACH]
Wishing a Very Happy Birthday today to aingling & archie19 & Awsten & Ben153 & Big Dave & casey & ColdFeet & daddysworkisneverdone & deerehunter &...
thank you
Morning all. Grey and overcast with the promise of rain later today. Yesterday was quite nice. I had a great visit with Mom yesterday. She is...