One-strike splits, my man! :D Of course, I also saw my logs at 12" out of personal preference.
Most of what I have access to here is lodgepole or subalpine fir, ZERO availability of hardwood unless you want to pay $500+ per cord. Most of...
Here's how the serious logging companies generally do it in my neck of the woods for lodgepole pine or douglas fir: Book your LOGGING TRUCK load...
Another popular burl use is in gun stocks.
How about winter fire pits? :D Got some snow last night, figured it's a good time to burn some trash wood.
Don't quite remember, but likely!
Not uncommon here, but you know it's cold when you're more chilly than Alaska. [ATTACH]
I feel ya next door. Forecast calling for -2°F Tuesday night in the valley here, -9°F at my work Monday and Tuesday night! Definitely have the...
Hardwoods are rare enough out here that I'd consider driving up to 100 miles one-way if someone offered a cord of hardwood for a couple hundred....
Yup! I'll probably tarp it over the winter, but part of it will be going to building a combo shed/chicken coop (fortress).
Not really for firewood hoarding, but I did salvage quite a bit of building material from work this summer! All the big lumber was 8x16 foot...
I'm kind of cheating considering where I work, but this is the current situation in southwest Montana, at about 8,500' elevation: [ATTACH]
I hear ya, I was pretty happy to have this winter's wood CSS by July this year! Very doable for me, since I'm a pine guy. Most of my stack is...
I've been a big fan of my X27 this year. I'm still waiting to pull the trigger on a Gränsfors Bruk splitting maul. I see they're only €158 on...
Oh yeah, in Montana we're well into snowmaking season on the ski hills. :D
That's a gorgeous stack!
Ask him if he knows that ice-cold water also boils faster! :D
That snow is creeping down, as it is here! Great slopes, great looking pile!
Hey man, I wouldn't touch the spruce either if I had that kind of access to oak and hickory. XD