No, I have a stove in the basement....
My house is very old, built in 1928. There are too many holes in my house to run the woodstove and heat the house when its below 0F and windy....
Currently, -6/70 and windy....on propane. No fire. Too cold to burn for me.
Yep, that's about where we will be..... ❤️ from South Dakota!
Here in the Dakotas, we have had terribly low temperatures. We have had a few nights of -20 below or colder. And starting this coming Monday...
That's neat that you're in Stromsburg NE. My sons and I drive right through there everytime we drive from SD to TX on 81. "The Swede Capitol of...
Yep, my house has a terrible down draft as well. I usually have to make sure my the dryer is off , 1st floor door is cracked open, propane furnace...
Oh yeah, I'm definitely going for palm trees now! Here in South Dakota we have a lot of them. I can't wait to take the one in my neighbors yard... You're right!! Bro is straight up splitting the Yule Tide log!
I've had Hackberry before. Splits decent, I think it was a little stringy. Dries fast, burned almost about like elm, not quite ash Good to know....
Elm is good stuff here in the Dakotas. But man, we must have a lot of surface metal in our ground here!!
Oh, I'm sure it is different in other parts of the country. But here in the Dakotas, it's seems the "Elms" are full of metal
Don't burn this stuff. Red Elm is terrible. There are clinkers in there that you would not believe. Red Elm is some great Heat!!!! But what the...
Not cottonwood.....
"Get a tag" was my first thought!
I still haven't received that panel yet, and it's about to start getting into the teens at night. I called and asked about it. They said they have...
I found one from drolet, that guy said it's MORE durable than the original. Hopefully it works out!
Yep sure did!! I called Drolet and the guy on the phone said that C-cast panel is more durable, and available sooner!
I had red-headed ash borers in my ash before, they would come out because I'm sure they thought it was spring and they could move on, but no, they...