I have battled a leak at the hinge side of the loading door for years now, without resolution. I have settled into a routine of changing the door...
Hello All. Has there been any resolution to this smoke leakage issue?
I used a Heritage for 5 years before moving to the PH right when it first came out (3 years ago now). There is no comparison in ease of use or...
Thread bump... Any update on this from those who have been in contact with Woodstock? Thanks.
I think I used the Omega TJC36 in an 0.062" sheath diameter if I recall (the metal sheath was long enough to snake through the stove [36"]- the...
I don't think drilling through both layers of top would be practical even if someone would guarantee that neither layer would crack at the edge of...
Here's a pic: sharp eyes will count 3 thermocouples in there. The one going through the combustor didn't last terribly long despite being inconel...
I had a thermocouple installed in my PH for the first season and a half of use because I was terrified of cat stalls. But it failed at the end...