So kinda like a close-up eye-to-eye exam?:eek:
Heck of a job 4 sure. Whenever I start a noodling job now, I already have the ibuprofen and muscle cream ready! :whistle:
Hmm...this smells almost delicious.
More of the same. A friend of mine of is an Agriculture guru for a local university says it is, "definitely something in the Prunus genus, which...
Blood, Sweat, and Tears- EPIC!!! [MEDIA]
Hmm..."Ze plot thickens!":hair::headbang: Thanks for sure.
The incomparable "Bobby Blue Bland" - I've Got To Use My Imagination [MEDIA]
Does Dogwood have a nice fruity fragrance? I know it's a BTU beast!
Hmm...looks mighty close to what I just posted. Good looking wood you got. Thanks for the feedback!
Well picked up more of the same today. Ran a few pieces through my splitter and man this stuff smells kinda like plum or pear. Here are pics....
Okay. Much obliged. How does Bradford Pear fare as a grill/smoker wood or BTU producer?
Forest crew clearing the roadside thickets for expansion, it was lying there for 2 months.
Hickory...hmm. I've dealt a bit with hickory's like shagbark, pignut, and mockernut. This stuff splits really tough, even with the Fisker's/8 lb...
Hey Studs, Been a second since I posted, been busy with school, projects, and an aging Father. Yet, did some scrouging and came up with these...
Love this right here, "I wouldn't waste time and gas noodling them into submission!" :rofl: :lol::D He's on some type of hard substances...I just...
Hey Guys, A friend of mine is Gung Ho about buying a few P/U loads of knots, crotch, and cut-off chunks of sycamore, pin oak, & sweet gum. The...
Hmm...hard as brick or as my Grand-pappy use to say, "harder than the times of 1929!" Must be fairly tasty to the critters because a gang of...
These growths were found on a huge dead pecan log I blocked up for firewood. What are these growths? I've heard they burn crazy hot? Lost as a...
I love black locust!!! BTU's galore!! Here is some locust I stumbled across. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]